
Total greenery 2016-2023

This new theme of mine I call “total greenery”. I take photos of plants that grow where I live. The great variety, the colours and forms leave you with an endless catalogue of inspiration. I process the pictures in my laptop until I get the result where I can use the image for my painting. I have always wanted to try working with new materials. For this series I use oil on paper which presents a different result than applying on canvas. I work with oil paint, painting knife and tissue. I choose large formats only which I find suit these motives best. Then I mounted the paper on a linen canvas. Lastly I varnish with resin.

Here I show different pictures selected to cover the theme. With the close up approach I like the way the plant, Bird of Paradise, takes on a face. These my latest paintings have one thing in common with many other works I have done in the past. I much like to work with close ups, since I want to get to the heart of the motive.

total greenery 1-4 - oil on paper mounted on linen canvas, resin - 70x100x3cm